The company has an excellent Health & Safety record in an industry with potential for accidents. This has been achieved through constant attention to detail, training of all staff and monitoring and improvement when necessary of all work procedures. Risk Assessment is obligatory and is always carried out prior to starting work.
Our certificated management system provides a framework for effective risk management and incorporates policies, risk assessments, and procedures incorporating industry best practice and guidance, providing our staff with appropriate information and instruction. Hazard identification and risk assessment is fundamental to daily activities. The company has carried out a number of generic risk assessments containing suitable control measures and safety procedures for all aspects of our operations, as well as assessments to comply with specific legislation, for example Personal Protective Equipment Regulations, Control of Vibration at Work Regulations, Control of Noise at Work Regulations, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations, and Manual Handling Operations Regulations.
As variations arise at different worksites, an On-Site Risk Assessment is undertaken to assess day and site specific health, safety and environmental hazards and where appropriate additional control measures are implemented to reduce risks to a level as low as reasonably practicable. All works undertaken at height are assessed, planned and organised, and emergency arrangements are planned. All operatives are required to sign onto the risk assessment following briefing on planned arrangements and safe systems of work
We undertakes all arboriculture works under controlled conditions to industry standards. We ensure legislative requirements (i.e. LOLER, PUWER) are understood, implemented and records detailing equipment provision, inspections and maintenance are retained to demonstrate a duty of care. Contract managers undertake pre-works inspections to ensure sufficient planning and organisation of works, including identification of any extra resources or equipment required to carry out the works safely.
We prioritise training to ensure staff have the skills, knowledge and information available to enable competence in all aspects of their work. Initial Induction on commencement of employment provides familiarisation with company policy, health and safety information including hazards and control measures, manual handling, COSHH, emergency procedures, and operation of key items of machinery, i.e. wood chippers. Training requirements are led by legislation and industry standards (City &Guilds / NPTC Certificates of Competence). Skills assessment and training needs analysis are ongoing and maintained through our staff appraisal system to ensure allemployees are able to carry out their duties in a safe, competent manner.
We investigate all incidents to identify underlying causes, so that corrective actions can be put in place. Regular site inspections and audits are carried out by our Contract Managers to monitor health and safety arrangements and safe systems of work, providing opportunities for improvement. We hold monthly Toolbox Talks for all operatives to address health and safety issues, including any outcomes from incident investigations, discuss updates to policy, legislation and working practices and provide an opportunity for employees to discuss any concerns they may have.
OHSAS 18001
CHAS ( Contractors Health & Safety Assessment Scheme )
Arboricultural Association Approved Contractor
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
AFAG Safety Guidelines
LOLER: Regultations
PUWER 98: Regulations
RIDDOR: Reporting
Working at Height Regulations